
Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Philip French

Directed by George Gittoes

Rampage, conversely, is an outstanding documentary in which its Australian director, George Gittoes, follows a black GI he's met in Baghdad back home to another war zone: a violent, poverty-stricken district in New Orleans. This harsh, raw movie is unaffectedly warm about the GI and his two brothers, all wanting to get out of a desperate environment by using their skills as hip hop artists. The eldest, aged 22, is sent for a second tour in Iraq. The 20-year-old middle brother is killed by a 16-year-old hitman sent by a rival gang. The youngest, who's 14, goes to New York to audition for a record contract and encounters another kind of neglect and exploitation. Gittoes, a good documentarist and a good man, is not afraid to become involved with the boys' personal problems and is highly conscious of the moral decisions that his work demands.

audition- przesłuchanie (do filmu, płyty, itp.)
conscious- świadom
conversely- przeciwnie, odwrotnie, na odwrót
demand- wymagać
desperate- beznadziejny, desperacki
district- okręg, obwód
encounter- napotykać
environment- środowisko, otoczenie
exploitation- wyzysk
GI- żołnierz amerykański, poborowy
harsh- przykry, ostry, szorstki, cierpki
hitman- płatny morderca
involved with- związany z, zaangażowany w
neglect- zaniedbanie; pominięcie, lekceważenie
outstanding- wybitny
poverty-stricken- cierpiący biedę, ubogi
rampage- szał, miotanie się w szale
unaffectedly- naturalnie, nieafektowanie
violent- gwałtowny, pełen przemocy
war zone- strefa wojny


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