
Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Andrew Pulver
Friday May 19, 2006
The Guardian

First released in 1990, Whit Stillman's preppie love story looked fairly odd at the time, as if F Scott Fitzgerald had been forcibly mated with Bret Easton Ellis. Sixteen years on, it looks even odder: a thoroughly arch and self-aware homage to a Wasp subculture that it's hard to believe ever existed. But such is Stillman's confidence as a film-maker that, from the first frame, you never doubt this hothouse world for a moment. (He made it work equally well in two subsequent films, Barcelona and The Last Days of Disco.)

Shades of the Algonquin Round Table are summoned up in the privileged chit-chat of the "Sally Fowler rat pack", college-age Manhattanites who are regular attenders of, and remarkably preoccupied with, the "urban haute bourgeoisie" party circuit. Sensitive deb Audrey (Carolyn Farina) falls for outsider-in-name-only Tom Townsend (Edward Clements) - he has to rent a tux, for goodness sake - and their slow progress towards romance is the main narrative event. But it's the beautifully chiselled dialogue - counterpointed by near-static camerawork and a nicely mannered acting style - that remains the chief attraction.

arch- figlarny
chiselled- delikatnie wyrzeźbiony, wycyzelowany
chit-chat- pogawędka, plotki
circuit- obieg, obwód
counterpoint- kontrapunktować
deb- debiutantka
fall for- zakochać się
forcibly- siłą
haute bourgeoisie- burżuazja, klasa uprzywilejowana, klasa wyższa
homage- hołd
hothouse- cieplarnia
mate with- parzyć się
preoccupied with- zatroskany, zajęty
preppie- szpaner, goguś
privileged- uprzywilejowany
release- wydawać, przedstawiać, wypuszczać (na rynek, na ekrany)
remarkably- wyśmienicie, znakomicie, nadzwyczajnie
self-aware- samoświadomy
subculture- subkultura
subsequent- późniejszy, kolejny
summon up- wzywać, zawezwać
thoroughly- całkowicie
tux- tuxedo; smoking
urban- miejski, wielkomiejski
Wasp- White Anglo-Saxon Protestant; biały Amerykanin wyznania protestanckiego i o anglosaskim rodowodzie (zwykle członek elity)


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