
Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Peter Bradshaw
Friday June 23, 2006
The Guardian

Just because you're a tweenie doesn't mean you're an idiot: but that's how this demographic gets treated in a silly and lame comedy about two girls who discover a mermaid called Aquamarine. This creature offers to grant them a wish if they will help with her romantic designs on a human hottie lifeguard. The girls gigglingly agree, despite having a crush on him themselves, thus relinquishing their claims to being actively sexual players - an important consideration for the 8-12 target audience - contenting themselves with vicarious, but wholesome romantic-fantasy thrills.

audience- publiczność
claim- prawo, żądanie
consideration- opinia; namysł
content with- zadowalać się
design- cel, dążenie
gigglingly- chichotliwie
grant- przyznawać
have a crush on- być zakochanym w
hottie- seksowny, atrakcyjny
lame- kiepski, słaby
lifeguard- ratownik
relinquish- zrzekać się
tweenie- dziecko w wieku 10-15 lat; młodszy nastolatek
vicarious- odczuwany za kogoś, pośrednio doznawany
wholesome- zdrowy, pożywny


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